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Title: Literature & Photography
Course Section Number: ART-210-01
Department: Art
Description: ENG-350-01=ART-210-01 "What tales might those pictures tell," the poet Walt Whitman once asked, "if their mute lips had the power of speech?" In English 350/ART 210, we'll explore how writers and artists have answered that question in the years since photography's invention in 1839. Nothing before photography had so accurately represented the natural world. How would the talkative text respond to the silent image? How does literature compete with photography's beauty and presumed factuality? And is it helpful, in answering these questions, to remember photography's etymology-writing with light? This semester, we'll read from the 19th century to the 21st, looking at poems, essays, stories, and criticism that respond to photography. 天下足球网,球探比分'll look at photographs and photobooks. 天下足球网,球探比分'll consider various ways that photography and literature intersect, including author photos, illustrations, captions, photo albums, and sequential art. Writers and photographers will include: Walt Whitman, James Agee, Carrie Mae 天下足球网,球探比分ems, Walker Evans, Natasha Trethewey, Duane Michals, Emily Dickinson, Allen Ginsberg, Robert Frank, Diane Arbus, and others. 天下足球网,球探比分'll ground ourselves with Susan Sontag's On Photography. 天下足球网,球探比分'll learn from Roland Barthes that all photographers are "agents of death" (Camera Lucida). Projects include analyzing images from Wabash's archives and class presentations on new photographers.
Credits: 1.00
Start Date: August 21, 2024
End Date: December 14, 2024
Meeting Information:
08/22/2024-12/12/2024 Lecture Tuesday, Thursday 01:10PM - 02:25PM, Center Hall, Room 300
Faculty: Mong, Derek
Requisite Courses: Take 1 credit from ART or ENG department; or permission of the instructor

Course Status & Cross-Listings

Cross-list Group Capacity: 15
Cross-list Group Student Count: 8
Calculated Course Status: OPEN
Section Name/Title Status Dept. Capacity Enrolled/
ART-210-01 (cross-listing)
Literature & Photography
OPEN Art 15 5 / 7 / 0
ENG-350-01 (primary)
Literature & Photography
OPEN English 15 3 / 7 / 0
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